Selling Your Craft Food Product on Amazon

Interview with Central Kitchen Member, Sonya Patel | Owner | PUR Spices

Want to sell on Amazon, but unsure how to get started? PUR Spices Owner and Central Kitchen Member, Sonya Patel, shares her experiences bypassing traditional channels and taking her brand directly to Amazon. Sonya is so knowledgeable, she recently partnered with Central Kitchen Media on a new craft food class, How to Sell Your Craft Food on Amazon. Central Kitchen’s Jenny Kelley was able to pick her brain and get the answers to a few frequently asked questions:

Why did you start selling on Amazon?

It’s a giant market place! In fact, it’s the largest online retailer and owns about 50% of US e-commerce market. This provides exposure to the entire US market and potentially more if your product can be sold abroad. Plus people trust Amazon because they support their customer’s purchasing habits (prime, easy returns, etc). And Amazon Prime is growing!

People use Amazon as an inspiration when they don’t know what to buy…when you think about the consumer buying process, people visit Amazon already knowing they are going to buy something vs. starting closer to the’ top of the funnel’ (that’s marketing speak for when people are browsing social media but aren’t necessarily looking to buy something.)

Amazon is very easy for new businesses (they welcome small and start-up businesses) compared to going to retail (even farmers’ markets are a lot of work). You can literally start with 24 units of product if you want. It’s a powerful platform for businesses:  using it for multi-channel sales, communications, and advertising

What kinds of things does a foodpreneur need to consider before selling on Amazon?

There is a lot to consider but the things to focus on primarily are your margins, pricing, keywords, competitors and trademark. These things are all key components any successful food business takes into account but you’ll want to have them dialed in before you start the process of selling on Amazon. 

What are the most important things about an Amazon listing?

  1. First of all, you will need a SKU or they will assign you an ASIN (an Amazon number).
  2. You have 200 characters for your product title and should use it! Address what it is/its main purpose, different use cases, benefits (ex. gluten free and vegan), and product specifics including important and relevant keywords.
  3. Use clear, compelling pictures—make sure people can see your label, nutritional facts, etc..

Want to know more? Luckily, Sonya teaches a virtual class, How to Sell Your Craft Food on Amazon on Central Kitchen’s Craft Food Classroom during which you can learn the tips and tricks she learned launching her business on Amazon. She expounds upon the above questions and answers more, including:

  • What kinds of craft food products might do well on Amazon?
  •  How do I market my Amazon product online?
  • What does FBA vs. Seller Fulfilled mean, according to Amazon?
  • What are the common pitfalls to avoid when selling on Amazon?

You can find out more about Sonya Patel and her business, PUR Spices by visiting her website:


How to Sell Your Craft Food on Amazon

Amazon Seller University